Friday, September 23, 2011

End of our Beloved Summer

The start of a new semester is always exciting, in its own way.  I always get back-to-school butterflies because I never know what my teachers or classes are going to be like.  The first day of school I walk around campus like mad a woman because I’m afraid I won’t be able to find my classes and I’ll walk in late and have to climb and trip over everyone to get to a seat in the middle of the row.   Anyone that’s been to some of BYU’s classrooms knows what I’m talking about, I mean, why didn’t they add more space in between rows?  It’s my worst nightmare.  

Even with all of those silly fears, I survived the first day and the first few weeks.  I am happy with the classes I have and I think they will be pretty reasonable.  One of my favorites so far is First Aid and Safety.  It’s so fun to learn how to help someone during a crisis.  It makes me want to be an EMT paramedic so I’m the person the First-Aider calls for help.  I just think it’s so useful and important.  

I also love Sister Black’s class, Joseph Smith and the Restoration.  I was lucky to get a spot in one of her highly-demanded classes, and I soak up every word she says.  She is funny and knows stories about the early church that I’ve never heard before.  So far she has given me new ideas on how to study my patriarchal blessing and has inspired me to learn more about my lineage.  I’m excited for other idea’s and knowledge I will get in that class.  I love BYU’s resources for learning the gospel.   It’s also fun because my sis-in-law Kaley is taking the class with me.  It’s nice to have that time with her even though we DO NOT talk because I’m frantically writing the whole time.  But we talk after and it’s great to catch up with each other's lives.

Anyway, we do miss our summer.  After summer semester we had a two week break to just play.  And boy oh boy, did we play!  We hit up 7 peaks whenever we felt like it (we’ve already payed off our season passes like 5 times), we played tennis almost every day, we tried cooking new lunches and dinners, we went on bike rides, had picnics, floated down the Provo river, played Frisbee, went to the farmers market, spent a weekend in Park City, and went camping with our ward.  Some things I got to do while Dustin was at work was read fun books,  try new things in the kitchen, work out in the mornings, clean the house, organize drawers and cupboards, paint my nails, and visit with other ladies in the ward that were home.  I really enjoyed every minute of those two weeks.  It was just nice to re-coup and accomplish things besides school work. 

And to top it all off, my mom came into town and that right there made it the best vacation ever.   We did tons of fun things together but I have to say my favorite thing was going on long walks in the mornings and just talking about life!  I love hearing my mom’s opinions and being able to bounce idea’s and thoughts off of her.   She is such a great listener and I love how she boosts everyone up around her.  Dustin and I feel like gold when we talk to her because we can tell she loves us so much, and that is a nice feeling.  So yeah, it was awesome having her with us for a week!   And dad came at the end (with Ammon) which was such a big treat.  Dad makes us laugh so much and it was great to have some time with him and to be able to hug and kiss him whenever I felt like it.  

I’m so glad my brother Ammon is back for school because it’s been a blast hanging out with him.   He has been driving me to school on his scooter when Dustin is at work with the car.  I actually love his scooter now and look forward to the “free” feeling I get while on it.  The other day he picked me up from school and we went to his apartment and ate leftover enchiladas while he caught me up on his dating life.   Its times like that I know we will cherish and miss when they are gone.  (Just like I’m missing Josiah and Ashley and baby Sam right now….wish they were still in Provo to do our Saturday breakfasts or Sunday game nights).  

Also, earlier this month it was super fun to have Dustin's parents in town along with his sister and her family from California.  We were all together for a weekend except for his little brother Landon who we missed badly!  It was great to party with them and enjoy everyone's company.  I wish I had pictures of the fun things we did  like the Scera pool, shopping, dinner, football game, etc.   It's great to have such a fun family. 

So that’s that.  We had an awesome break and are easing into our new semester with hope and renewal.  School really is a blessing and I’m grateful to be able to stretch my brain and gain intelligence.  Now if only I could remember everything I learn….wow that would be awesome!

Here are some pictures.

Farmers market, I had forgotten how fun those are!

On our way to a movie.  In the middle of the day. In the middle of the week:)

Ready to go on our bike ride.

Dustin's picture above was really cute, so I had Dustin take one of me trying the same face.  It didn't work and I don't look cute but it was funny :)

Game night with some friends.  I love our ward.

Sunday morning crepes!

I candied walnuts for some fun salads!

Newly adored Taco Nights.  Why didn't we think of this earlier??

Park City, just for fun!

Driving home from one of our 7 peaks adventures.  We put shirts on after this picture LOL I promise.

Provo River

Let me just say, it wasn't really a "float down the Provo River", it was more like I was in fear for my life the whole time.  A huge branch made me flip over into the freezing water and I hit rocks and bruised myself lol.  And I flipped another time because we almost missed our exit.  It's funny now but it was a little stressful at the time.  I'm just glad I made it out alive.

And here's my mama. She's so cute and fun.

Dustin was really patient with our girl time.  Maybe because he got to golf while we were having it ;)

Ammon's here!

He's living in a blue house that they call "The House of Blues", which is fitting because he and his roommates are all jazz guys.  It's a cute name. 

First day of school and for some reason we had Ammon's scooter. 

 Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

D-dawg said...

Great documentation of your summer! you guys are so good at taking pics of everything- it looks like you had a great time!!!